Key Tips:

Wear the Right PPE: Always wear gloves and any other necessary protective equipment before handling the catheter to maintain hygiene and prevent infection.

Remove the Balloon Water First: Ensure the water in the catheter’s balloon is completely removed before attempting to take out the catheter.

Non-Traumatic Clamp Use: If you use a clamp to minimize discomfort, don’t forget to remove it at the end of the procedure.

Common Mistakes to Avoid:

Not Wearing Gloves: Many candidates fail to wear gloves when cleaning the sampling port or handling the catheter, which is a serious infection control breach.

Incorrect Balloon Water Removal: Some candidates do not withdraw the correct amount of water from the balloon, which can cause issues during removal.

Improper Technique: A common error is attempting to remove the catheter without fully deflating the balloon, which can cause pain and tissue damage.

Simplified Process:

Wear gloves and other PPE for protection.

Clean the catheter port before starting.

Use a syringe to carefully withdraw all the water from the balloon.

Gently remove the catheter, ensuring the balloon is deflated.

If you used a clamp, make sure to remove it before finishing the procedure.

Practicing these steps helps ensure patient safety and prevents complications during catheter removal.


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